zach & britt // in love

I first met Zach and Brittany when I did their grad photography in Patuanak, SK. Fast forward a few months and these two move to the big city of Regina (7 hours away from home) and have gotten settled into their lives as students, wandering campus, and finding cheap things to do (being a student aint’ easy). Brittany wanted their place to feel like home, and a few nice pics for their walls.

Zack then showed up wearing matching clothes to Brittany.

Ummm… no. That wasn’t going to work.

We went to Value Village and spent $12 on getting him a white dress shirt and a cool grey sweater.

Slick, I tell you. Value Village is the bomb.

After that, finally, we were ready. Cute couple, beautiful weather, intresting streets and people who let us creep on their porches.


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