Living in Patuanak has offered me some unique opportunities. I’m photographing the 25th Annual Baby Show (and my kid is gonna rock it there!) next week, I’m hanging around for Treaty Day and the 100th Birthday of one of our Elders and now, I’ve done the Kindergarten Grad.
I can’t tell you how cute all the drama is in a Kindergarten Graduating Class.
But first, the decorations. The teacher, Mel, worked so hard on this Grad. The theme was Dr. Seuss and it was adorable. Bright, colorful and whimsical. Table centerpieces with fish in bowls (say whhaatt!), books for each of the students, and images of Thing1 and Thing2 hanging about.
The drama of the KGrad Class. The girls were tugging on their curls, tossing them out of the way. They kept admiring each other’s pretty dresses and touching each other’s gowns. The boys were trying to put on their hats, playing with the tassel and trying to eat it. They walked around, talking to each other and to no one. They ignored teh teacher. They laughed and screamed and giggled.
And then chaos calmed down and they lined up, looking innocent and sweet and so full of pride and determination.
Kindergarten Grad.
It’s a big deal, you know.
The community showed up in small spurts. They walked in with the kiddies dressed in their Sunday best on. The dad’s had their camera’s out. The mom’s were smoothing hair away from faces, straightening ties, pulling on dresses. Grandma’s came in slowly, sitting down and adjusting to get the best seat. People walked around, looking at the clever centerpieces and laughing at the fishes. Kids started to pull out feathers playing with them.
CassieThis is so adorable – I love their little cap and gowns and the Dr. Seuss books.