AYIC 2012 – finalist

I was just chilling in the hotel room in Cold Lake, waiting on my nephew to be born so I could go visit him, when my phone beeped. I moved Aerie over, grabbed it before she could throw it in her mouth for a nibble, and checked my emails. The background noise of baby babble, cartoons and Colton talking about his new husky pup, Raphael, was drowned out as I focused in on the news: “finalist…,” ” one of 6,” and “See you Saturday!”

“Hey!” It finally clicked. “I’m a finalist.”

So what does that mean for me? I have a meeting to attend on Saturday the 10th about presentations and how to make our presentation the best it can possibly be. I’m actually very excited about that because talking  in public isn’t that big of a deal anymore. I’ve done my fair share of presentations in real life, in Grad School, in University. But I’m excited about doing a few for my photography. I have all these ideas and plans, and I really need to know some guidelines before I go all crazy, trying to do this dramatic presentation when all they may want is the simple facts.  And I have plans for a new outfit, get mah ‘do did and buy some new make-up. Some new shoes. Earrings. I’m excited.

And then on the 23rd, there is a Gala. What does this mean? Is this black-tie? Do I have to wear a dress? This is what the website says:

Friday, March 23, 2012 – Final Gala

  • Finalists of the competition will present their business plans to a panel of judges
  • Winners will be chosen based on the evaluation of the judges
  • Winners of cash prizes must provide proof of age, Aboriginal ancestry, and Saskatchewan residency
  • Past winners are ineligible to participate in the completion. However, past winners may present on a new business model following a review and approval process administered by the AYIC planning committee.

Who are the panel of judges? Will we also be showing the presentation to fellow competitors?

So. Many. Questions.

I know about three other people whose plans were accepted into the finalists as well. All great competition. All people who have great business sense, and even more important, creativity. I love my competition. Is that weird? I’m just anxious to see who the other two are.

So there we go. Finalist. I’m so proud of my little business for getting this far, but even more so, I’m proud of myself. Doing a business plan has really made me think of what I want out of my business and what I want to deliver. I’m excited about all the possibilities in 2012.

PS: My nephew was born March 5th, 2012 – Conner Phillip Campbell. I am smitten. 


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