the laliberte’s // family – saskatoon family photography

Diana and Leroy are some of my best friends, and their family is one that I am always happy to photograph. Teorie is the oldest daughter, a future ballerina and she has the sweetest heart. Parker is the younger daughter, my adorable god-daughter, and she is sassy and spunky and downright hilarious. Together, they are the light of Diana and Leroy’s heart. Diana and Leroy have been married for seven years already, and they had started going out in Grade 12. That is so insanely funny to us now – just too old we are.

They came to Saskatoon and we took advantage of the setting sun and warm breezes, picking a valley of grass and trees to showcase their family. It was so funny to watch them interact – Diana ordering everyone around, Teorie posing at every click of the camera, Leroy basking in being the man of this beautiful family, and Parker going between mischievous grins and babysitting my daughter, who was wondering around in the background. They were a family, based in love and support and laughter, and this was just another time of them being awesome, being together, being fun.

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