2011 was a good year for me. A growing year. This image is one of my favourites from 2011. My cousins and friends agreed to be models for me and this was a happy accident. We shot and it was getting dark so we switched up the look and I started using flash, which I never do, and we got this ghetto, gritty superhero shot. It was like Mean Girls meet Batman. I love so much about this – the hotel lights in the back, the girls in the shadows with their own masks, Trudy’s killer pose and jawline. The connection, the mystery.
I want to do more of this. Stylized shoots. Concept shoots. A little fantasy meets reality. So my main goal in my photography is to do a personal 12 for 12. Each month, I am doing a shoot that challenges me. Something that makes me think more deeply about what I’m trying to say. Shoots that requires outside sources like hairstylists, make up artists, models, styling, locations, decor. I am challenging myself to get out of my safety net and go out and create.
What are your photography goals this year?
PS: Trudy, my cousin, is one of my favourite people evveeerr to photograph. Some behind the scenes love for you 😉