I’ve been reflecting back on 2018 – as millions of other people have been doing because I’m so original like that – and what this year meant to me. I was in a constant state of motion – photography wise, I got a lot of work done. I travelled from Vancouver to Philly to Ottawa this year, and it has been an adventure. I have seen some of my closest friends and family members start their own families, and that was such an honour to document. I have created consistent working relationships with many local brands, and I have used my skills to support and photograph so many Indigenous baddies who are creative, powerful and inspiring. Legit, work wise, this year has kept me on my toes and pushed me into uncomfortable boundaries and areas, all in the best way.
Socially, I felt a little lost. Being in a constant motion often means people always see you leaving, and if you couldn’t keep up, you missed it. That sounds all glamourous and shit to some, but it’s incredibly isolating. Coming home always meant never unpacking as there was always another trip coming up. And some people love that – thrive in that, in fact. Me, I cannot tell you the amount of times I had to force myself to leave the Airbnb or hotel or friend’s house I was staying at, to go and see the city, to not hide. I remember sitting in this stunning Airbnb in Philly and the sun was shining through the windows on wood floors and the air was warm and I was all “go out – go for a walk – call an Uber – go see something…” and I just watched the sun set off these hardwood floors for over an hour, and only then could I move.
I know, I know. And mentally, I also know all the sayings. Slow down. Breathe. Self Love. Stay in sometimes. Take a bath, eeeee. Use those $8 bath bombs, tapwe. Note, I also recognize the absolute fucking privilege of my ‘struggle’ – bitching about travelling, the fuggggg – but it doesn’t make it less valid.
So while this is a complete overshare, it’s also hella important. Too often people only see the highlights or the Instagram story, and not the mental or emotional toll leading a creative life can lead. I am well aware that this life of art and travel and community in every city and opportunity is exactly the life I dreamed of, but I still have to learn to navigate these spaces as a introvert who needs lots of space (no one believes me, except other charming introverts), as a single mother who has big responsibilities, and as an Indigenous woman.
I guess what I’m saying is that I’m going into 2019 so incredibly grateful for the art and the people in my life, and with gentle promises to myself to give myself more space to breathe, cuddled up with my daughter and laughing as she shares her stories, creating memories not photographed.
xoxo, tkc

Creatives Projects
Working with creative personal projects and collabs was my favourite this year. Doing the kind of work makes me step outside my own “sweetmoon wants” and into what I can co-create with the people I’m working with. I have to put their needs for a final outcome outside of my own, and that pushes me to be more considerate and aware when I’m shooting (legit, I’m a boss b*tch when I’m shooting, speaking in commands, directing everything, and this makes me go “but how do you feel?” and it’s good to just be aware, know what I mean?) and this year I got to shoot stills for a video project with T-Rhyme, I photographed my dear friend Maddie in the rainforest during recovery from breast cancer, I got to meet and shoot Lori Blondeu during one her art performances, I worked with Kailey to create an image that spoke of her experience as an Indigenous women in Winnipeg, I worked with T-Rhyme and Eekwol for their For Women, By Women collar album, I shot a portrait of Catherine Blackburn wearing her beaded masterpiece, and I worked with Catherine on documenting highly curated and specific images for her New Age Warriors series. This final project dominated much of the year for me, as we travelled and did six shoots specifically for this, but I am also so incredibly proud of what has come out of it.

Creative Headshots for Creative Beings
This year, I also focused on photographing unique portraits for my creative headshot series. I hate hate hate shooting studio and white backdrop stuff (I will only do it for a specific few) but give me an artist and some freedom, and we can make magic. Everything from singers and songwriters to models to writers to news casters to jewelry designers – it’s been so great. These are probably my favourite kinds of shoots, as it’s so easy to convince another creative being to climb into freezing water or lay down by poison ivy FOR THE ART.

2018, you’ve been good to me.